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12 Month Warranty Upgrades now available

About Laptop Warranty Upgrade

By popular customer requests, we have made warranty upgrades available on many devices that we offer.

Here's how it works:

- Warranty is now upgradable on the selected models. You can get them upfront with your device together (simplest option). Alternatively, it could be bought within 30 days of the order's delivery here (provided that the device was eligible for the upgrade at the initial checkout*).

- The parts & labour costs are inclusive within our in-house warranty duration. This warranty upgrade simply extends the period of our existing warranty coverage (everything else is the same).

- This warranty upgrade option currently exclusively to our website orders. Orders placed on other channels (e.g. eBay) is not currently eligible for this upgrade option.

Courier cost:

Our warranty is inclusive of courier collection & postage cost within the first 30 days. We'll cover the cost to send the repaired device back to you throughout the warranty duration. We'll pay for the collection postage cost within 30 days of the order too. After the first 30 days, the collection cost will be chargeable at £15 per instance.

Detailed terms & Condition:

As the upgrade just extends the warranty duration, the coverage & exclusion are the same: no accidental damage nor liquid damage cover. Please backup your data regularly, as we're unable to offer data recovery/transfer service (see our full warranty terms here).

*The warranty upgrade is not available on all of our products yet. The post-purchase warranty upgrade is only available for the laptops range currently; it is not yet available on the Gaming Laptops Range / Apple products / Desktops, nor some specific laptops. Additionally, where no warranty upgrade option is shown on a product at the initial checkout, the warranty upgrade cannot be purchased afterwards for that device. We aim to widen the warranty upgrade eligibility gradually.

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