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Laptops for 


SOLIDWORKS compatible Laptops

SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) application published by DassaultSystèmes. This collection of workstation devices, are capable of running at least SOLIDWORKS 2019. For more information regarding the required spec for SOLIDWORKS (especially the later version), see the "SOLIDWORKS Requirements" below.

Click here for the full SOLIDWORKS requirements


Below are the system requirements for SolidWorks 2022



Operating System

64-bit Microsoft Windows 10


3.3 GHz processor or higher

Memory (RAM)

16 GB or more

PDM Contributor/Viewer or Electrical Schematic: 8 GB or more

MS Office

Microsoft Excel and Word (2016, 2019)

Graphics Card

 For SolidWorks 2021/22 and newer, please check if the device (combination of laptop/PC model & graphics card), has been included on SOLIDWORKS' Hardware Certification page here. These are considered the officially supported devices. The more recent SolidWorks versions (2021/22 and newer) typically have a higher graphics card requirement, requiring more recent / powerful workstations to run smoothly; this can significantly increase the device's price. Buying refurb can offer a notable saving on buying new workstations, rest assured.

For production & business usage: it will be smoother to get the devices which meets the SolidWorks requirement upfront (this can mean purchasing a more recent system - at a higher price point). This ensures a SolidWorks certified experience. The benefit is clear: a more responsive processor & graphics card, could improve the rendering time for your CAD & everyday workloads (reduce the total time spent waiting & offer a more satisfying machine to work from). This is more obvious the larger & more complex SolidWorks assembly; a faster machine could often speed up the SolidWorks performance.

For the less demanding tasks (e.g. for DIY / learning): running later version of SolidWorks on non-certified hardware, could mean slower operation; some features being less smooth or entirely non-functional (we generally recommend planning for the hardware adequately for the use case for the next 12-18 months).

The certification nature of the recent SolidWorks app, means SolidWorks' list is not necessarily exhaustive. Nonetheless, SolidWorks' list is often a good starting point. For business / production uses, your device should meet the hardware requirements for the version of Solidworks that you'd wish to run (some businesses do run older SW versions for similar reasons). Confirmation on compatibility should be directed at SolidWorks directly. If in doubt, drop us a message on to confirm. 


SSD drives recommended for optimal performance

Below are the system requirements for SolidWorks 2021



Operating System

64-bit Microsoft Windows 10


3.3 GHz processor or higher

Memory (RAM)

16 GB or more

PDM Contributor/Viewer or Electrical Schematic: 8 GB or more

MS Office

Microsoft Excel and Word (2016, 2019)

Graphics Card

  For SolidWorks 2021/22 and newer, please check if the device(combination of laptop/PC model & graphics card), has been includedon SOLIDWORKS' Hardware Certification page here. These are considered the officially supported devices.The more recent SolidWorks versions (2021/22 and newer) typically have ahigher graphics card requirement, requiring more recent / powerfulworkstations to run smoothly; this can significantly increase thedevice's price. Buying refurb can offer a notable saving on buying newworkstations, rest assured.

For production & business usage:it will be smoother to get the devices which meets the SolidWorksrequirement upfront (this can mean purchasing a more recent system - at ahigher price point). This ensures a SolidWorks certified experience.The benefit is clear: a more responsive processor & graphics card,could improve the rendering time for your CAD & everyday workloads(reduce the total time spent waiting & offer a more satisfyingmachine to work from). This is more obvious the larger & morecomplex SolidWorks assembly; a faster machine, could often speed up theSolidWorks performance.

For the less demanding tasks (e.g.for DIY / learning): running later version of SolidWorks onnon-certified hardware, could mean slower operation; some features beingless smooth or entirely non-functional (we generally recommend planningfor the hardware adequately for the use case for the next 12-18 months).

Thecertification nature of the recent SolidWorks app, means SolidWorks'list is not necessarily exhaustive. Nonetheless, SolidWorks' list isoften a good starting point. For business / production uses, your deviceshould meet the hardware requirements for the version of Solidworksthat you'd wish to run (some businesses do run older SW versions forsimilar reasons). Confirmation on compatibility should be directed at SolidWorks directly. If in doubt, drop us a message on to confirm.


SSD drives recommended for optimal performance

Below are the system requirements for SolidWorks 2020



Operating System

64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10


3.3 GHz processor or higher

Memory (RAM)

PDM Contributor/Viewer or Electrical Schematic: 8 GB or more

MS Office

Microsoft Excel and Word (2013, 2016, 2019)

Graphics Card

More details can be found on the SOLIDSWORK website here. At the time of writing, the following Graphics Cards has been included on SOLIDWORKS' Hardware Certification:

Quadro: RTX 6000/8000; RTX 5000; RTX 4000; RTX 3000; T2000; T1000; P620; P6000; P600; P5200; P520; P5000; P500; P4200: P4000; P400; P3200: P3000; P2200; P2000, P1000.

Radeon Pro: W5500; W5700; WX2100; WX 3100; WX 3200; WX 4100; WX 4130/4150; WX 4170; WX 5100; WX 7100; WX 7130; WX 8200; WX 9100.


SSD drives recommended for optimal performance

Hypervisors (Virtual Environments)

VMware vSphere EZXi: 6.7

VMware Workstation: 15

Microsoft Hyper-V: 2019

Citrix XenServer: 7.6

Below are the system requirements for SolidWorks 2019



Operating System

64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10


3.3 GHz processor or higher

Memory (RAM)

16 GB or more

PDM Contributor/Viewer or Electrical Schematic: 8 GB or more

MS Office

Microsoft Excel and Word (2013, 2016, 2019-SW2019 SP2)

Graphics Card

More details can be found on the SOLIDSWORK website here. At the time of writing, the following Graphics Cards has been included on SOLIDWORKS' Hardware Certification:

Quadro: RTX 6000/8000; RTX 5000; RTX 4000; RTX 3000; T2000; T1000; P620; P6000; P600; P5200; P520; P5000; P500; P4200: P4000; P400; P3200: P3000; P2200; P2000, P1000; M1000M; M1200; M2000; M2200; M4000; M5000; M6000; M600M; M620.

Radeon Pro: W5500; W5700; WX2100; WX 3100; WX 3200; WX 4100; WX 4130/4150; WX 4170; WX 5100; WX 7100; WX 7130; WX 8200; WX 9100.


SSD drives recommended for optimal performance

Hypervisors (Virtual Environments)

VMware vSphere EZXi: 6.5

VMware Workstation: 14

Microsoft Hyper-V: 2016

Citrix XenServer: 7.4