What is refurbished?
Part 1: Buying New, Used, or refurbished - what are your options?
Buying New
Newis fresh from the manufacturer; it hasn’t been used by anyone else,you’re the first person to get your hands on it. Brand new is the bestif you’re looking for quality above all, but it is the more costlyoption.

Buying Used
Usedis any second hand product; it has already been purchased and is beingsold after it has been put to use. Quality can range from never leavingthe box to the box being more functional and may or may not include anyaccessories, but it will likely be discounted to match the condition,and should be very affordable.

Buying Refurbished
Refurbishedis also used, however the difference is quality assurance, refurbishedhas been checked and tested to be functional. There will also be adescription of the condition of the item so you know what you’re buying,and may have extras such as accessories and the original packaging.While not new, there is some guarantee on the functionality, so thepricing sits below new while typically being not as cheap as used.

Part 2: What should you expect with your purchase
What you get buying new
Anyproduct sold as new should be in pristine condition, unused, be inoriginal packaging and included any accessories. This is usually from amanufacturer (e.g. Dell) or a retailer directly. This includesfunctional things such as a charger, but also any extras like logostickers, etc. You’ll typically also get the manufacturer’s fulloriginal warranty on the item, without worrying about the warrantyneeding to be transferred as you’re the original owner. Any otherbonuses or bundle that comes with the item (for example a free game codewith a gaming laptop) will also be included.

What you get buying used from private sales
When buying used goods privately (e.g. on Gumtree, etc or via localmarketplaces, etc), the experience could often vary wildly. Thecondition and contents of a used product is entirely based on theseller. The functionality aren't necessarily checked, and typically youdo not get any warranty (should it be needed). Accessories, similarlythe condition, can also vary wildly.

What you get buying "Refurbished"
Buying refurbished: can be a more reassuring experience (than buying used privately), and more accessible in the pricing (than buying new).
Here at the GreenGreen Store:
- All item must pass the functionality tests. They'll have been checked by our in-house technician (any functionality imperfections, would be clearly noted).
- All items will have some in-house warranty, for your peace of mind.
- The cosmetic condition are clear. We include detailed photos & description, so you could shop with confidence.
- Our premium Grade A range, providesyou the option to buy laptops, which are not far in cosmetic conditionto buying new (and often represent a significant saving over buying new)
- Our grade B / B+ are often even more accessible in the price.
- Our items typically come in a re-packedbox (unless otherwise stated). The charger is typically included(unless otherwise stated); we do not include any extra accessories,unless otherwise stated.

Part 3: Summary
Buyingnew, used or refurbished all have their places in the market. The usedand refurbished products wouldn’t be available without customers havingbought new equipments (which provides the best condition of product).
Buyingused provides the most affordable option for those more concerned aboutfunctionality over aesthetics, and refurbished provides a middleground, providing good service while being cheaper than new.
We hope this helps clarify your options while looking for your next purchase.